One App for multiple applications, multiple TPI devices and NO subscription fees or hidden costs. TPI View is FREE!
TPI View is an easy to use, powerful free app for iOS and Android that connects your smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth to the range of TPI smart devices. No more clunky dials, complicated menus or limited displays when performing combustion analysis with the TPI DC710 flue gas analyzer: just complete control in the palm of your hand.
- Immediate “live” results direct to your smartphone or tablet
- Android and Apple iOS compatible
- Instant on-site reports save time and reduce paperwork!
- Easily save, email or print reports: the choice is yours
- Time, date and GPS stamped results provide proof of when and where the job was completed
- Job Management allows you to create multiple jobs and attach multiple reports to each job!
- Create jobs before you start taking readings o Give each report a different reference or name
- Save the results to a job, print them, or email them – or all 3! The choice is yours.
TPI View connects your existing smartphone or tablet to the range of TPI smart devices for combustion analysis, pressure, temperature, air flow and ambient air quality readings, charge kits, clamp meters and more!
Other great features include Timed Tightness Testing, Gas Rate and the production of Gas Safety Certificates, to name but a few. So go ahead and test the TPI advantage now!
TPI View Smartphone app for iOS and Android allows easy documentation that you can share with your customer. Reduce paperwork and save time!

Smart Devices from TPI connect to your tablet or smartphone with free iOS & Android TPI Apps to measure, display, record, print, trend, and email readings. Connected tools and apps for combustion, pressure, temperature, air quality, refrigeration and more.